101 Mobility

Boston Marathon: One Year Later

April 21, 2014
Close-up view of runners' legs and shoes on a road during a race.

The third Monday of April – a day that has been anticipated with excitement, dedication, and emotion in the city of Boston.

This morning participants new and old united as one Boston Strong force and took on the Marathon headstrong and fearless. Below are photos of Team Hoyts’ journey, Tatyana McFadden’s last stretch for the finish line, and a friend’s incredible source of motivation through the final mile.

Around Boston, they need no introduction. Dick and Rick Hoyt have been running the Boston Marathon for more than 30 years together. They’re a symbol of hope for athletes everywhere and an inspiration to countless others. This year has proven to be no different. For one last time, they awoke early, laced up their shoes, and lined up with the rest of the hopeful runners on the Hopkinton start line. This year is to be their final marathon together.

Running this year wasn’t actually in their plans. The 2013 marathon was set to be their final 26.2-mile race, but because of last year’s tragic events, Dick and Rick were halted 1 mile from the finish line. They couldn’t end a shining career like that. “That’s why we’re running this year–for the people who got killed and wounded,” Dick said in a recent interview with Sacha Pfieffer of Boston’s WBUR public radio station.

Over the past year, we’ve seen Boston rebuild and recover. Now, the city rises to welcome thousands of elite runners from all around the world. Here, Tatyana McFadden is in the lead for the women’s wheelchair division of the race, on her final hill and last turn in the Boston Marathon. Way to go, Tatyana!

A Boston Marathon runner with a prosthetic leg supports her friend down the final stretch on Boylston Street.

Congratulations to Dick and Rick, the other Team Hoyt members, and all the runners competing in the 118th Boston Marathon. Stay strong.

To learn more about Team Hoyt and Dick and Rick’s journey over the years, please visit:  https://www.teamhoyt.com/

For more information about the Boston Marathon and the wheelchair race division, please visit: https://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/participant-information/athletes-with-disabilities.aspx